ORS Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray infused with Coconut Oil (10 oz)

Olive Oil

ORS Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray infused with Coconut Oil (10 oz)

ORS Carrot Oil Hairdress (6.0 oz)


ORS Carrot Oil Hairdress (6.0 oz)

ORS Coconut Oil Hair and Scalp Hairdress (5.5 oz)


ORS Coconut Oil Hair and Scalp Hairdress (5.5 oz)

ORS Tea Tree Oil Hairdress Soothing Hair & Scalp Oil (5.5 oz)


ORS Tea Tree Oil Hairdress Soothing Hair & Scalp Oil (5.5 oz)

ORS Jojoba Oil Hairdress adds Moisture & Shine (5.5 oz)


ORS Jojoba Oil Hairdress adds Moisture & Shine (5.5 oz)

ORS Olive Oil Fix-It Wig for Wigs & Weaves Glue Remover infused with Castor Oil for Strengthening Hairline (5.0 oz)

Olive Oil

ORS Olive Oil Fix-It Wig for Wigs & Weaves Glue Remover infused with Castor Oil for Strengthening Hairline (5.0 oz)

ORS Fix-It Wig for Wigs & Weaves Detangler infused with Castor Oil for Strengthening & Moisturization (6.2 oz)

Olive Oil

ORS Fix-It Wig for Wigs & Weaves Detangler infused with Castor Oil for Strengthening & Moisturization (6.2 oz)

ORS Olive Oil Braidzone Herbal Cleanse Dry Shampoo (8.0 oz)
Sold out


ORS Olive Oil Braidzone Herbal Cleanse Dry Shampoo (8.0 oz)

Sold out


ORS Natural Hair Care Shea Butter Softening Hair and Scalp Lotion (8.0 oz)
