When using normal relaxers; my scalp always burn even when not scratching my scalp for a week. Plus I have fine hair; using this product, my scalp did not burn and my hair felt great. I’ll be using this relaxer for now on. This relaxer is for people who have fine hair, sensitive scalp, or colored treated hair. I don’t think it works for the people that has thick hair. But it works for me.
I can recall hoping to find a product like this years ago when I used to relax and roller set my hair. Unfortunately there was only regular or strong options. Then, the relaxer that I'd used for years, that helped my hair to grow waist length, was suddenly sold to a foreign company and the product changed. From there, I decided to go natural, knowing that I could always press my hair, but it just never lasted the way my roller sets did. Fast toward to a few years ago, I started to go through perimenopause, and oh boy, did my hair texture change along with my scalp sensitivity to products I'd been able to normally use for years. On top of that I developed so many different hair textures that began to loc up every night. I was done, frustrated, and in tears and decided to relax my hair again. T be clear, I love my African hair texture, but I want options just like everyone else. Also, not everything works for everyone. Also, the active ingredients can be found in just about every beauty and self care product you can find as a softening agent, so I'm not concerned. I used this relaxer tonight, and it's exactly what I've been needing. Something to even out the may textures in my hair, to allow me to not struggle so much with my hair...I don't want to and I don't have to. I took my time, my scalp was great, and I'm so pleased with the results. No, it's not straight, it's more manageable and that's what I wanted.... AND it feels SO healthy. It also feels and looks great! Now, my only concern is that I do not see this product listed on your website under the relaxers and texlax options. PLEASE don't tell me that it's being discontinued because I'd just be heartbroken. I need a calcium hydroxide option NOT a sodium hydroxide option. I've tried them and they do not work well for me.
I wish I could give it no stars. It is a waste of money. It did not steaighten my hair at all and I have fine hair. It caused excessive shedding. The way my hair shedded after using this so called mild relaxer I should go to court
If you bleach or dye your hair using developer, this relaxer is perfect. It straightens your hair enough to that it is slightly course. Then when you do the permanent dye treatments your hair will be as straight as a regular relaxers texture without it being overprocessed. I do not recommend it if you want bone straight hair on non dyed natural 4b/4c hair because it will not get the hair that straight. It's Perfect for those that color process their hair in addition to relaxers. When you finish the entire hair transformation (relaxer + permanent color treatment) your hair will be straight and fuller but not overprocessed and weak and thin as with a regular relaxer.
Where is the ingredient list?
If I could get a refund for this product, I would. I had been using the ORS normal/regular strength and would always get scalp burns, even though I wouldn't touch my hair the week of my relaxer and basing my scalp with Vaseline.
So, I tried this thinking it would be gentle and get my hair straight. Well, there weren't any burns BUT my hair looks like it's 6 weeks post relaxer! The end result looks like a bad silk press on natural hair. The edges and roots are kinky and not sleek and silky. The dilemma is that I know I can't do another relaxer for at least another 8 weeks and I usually go 12 to 13 weeks before a touch up. I think I'm going to have to change the brand of relaxer I use. ORS doesn't seem to have a product that sensitive on scalp, but straightens. Please save yourself the headache if you are looking for beautiful relaxed hair.
Hair seemed to revert some after 1 week.
I’m very impressed with the results so far! I can keep my curl pattern all while having manageability.