3 Ways To Elevate Your Silk Press This Season

Most of us can appreciate a gorgeous silk press and with the temperatures dropping, the flat iron is looking extra appealing right about now.

If you are thinking about what is silk press hair? A silk press is a modern day press and curl that gives natural hair the look like it has been relaxed . A silk press, what you *don't* want is heat damage, but what you *do* want is a press that lasts for a few weeks while you enjoy the start of sweater dress and boots season. If you're thinking about giving a silk press a try, here are 3 easy ways you can elevate your look!


The Body and Bounce

When most of us go in for a silk press, we decide to keep it as straight as possible---after all, that was the point of getting it done in the first place! However, the holiday season tends to be a time where we want to look our best at family gatherings and outings, so it's the ideal time to add some big, voluminous curls to your hair for a more polished look.

Tip: Curled hair reverts back to its natural state a little slower than straight hair, but also tangles and dulls much easier. To keep it fresh for a little longer, pin your curls up and cover with a bonnet or scarf before bed. Upon takedown, use any spray on your hair ideally from ORS to bring back a gorgeous, natural luster.



Add Some Color

Fall has some of the most beautiful colors to choose from when it comes to dying your hair, and what better time than the holidays to give one a try! Maple, ginger, and warm blondes are great for November, while deep, dark reds and blue undertones match the cool, crisp vibe of an approaching Winter.

Tip: Doing a press and color all at once is a bit tricky because you risk over-processing your hair. However, whether you dye your hair weeks or hours before its silk pressed, the key is always making sure it’s properly moisturized. Start with something like ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner, it restores moisture and works to prevent and repair damaged hair.


Press, Cut, and Style

I think it's safe to say that one of the greatest benefits of a silk press is getting to see your hair at its true length without having to worry about shrinkage. If you're anything like me, you probably love all the extra length but sometimes get bored with the same hairstyle for every press. A pixie, a bob, and if you are extra ambitious, an undercut are all great options for changing up your look for the holidays, and even for the New Year!

Tip: Yes, your new cut should look good while your hair is straight, but it should also look just as good when it's kinky or curly!

Be mindful of how your hair will look after a silk press if you do decide to cut it. If you are completely sold on your new straight shortcut and considering relaxing your hair to keep it up, try a kit like ORS Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer that overs built-in hair protection and softening.

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